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Class Overview

Put simply, this class is about decision-making and the practical application of mechanics. ITTS instructor Scott Reitz defines gunfighting as “problem-solving and adaptation at speed and under extreme duress”… this is your opportunity to practice this. Day 1 of this class is held at our outdoor private range where there will be dynamic live-fire drills followed by scenarios in our shoot-house.  Day 2 of this class is held at an offsite location that will offer a variety of environments to run force-on-force scenarios for the day. Simunitions will be utilized (provided by ITTS) and students will take part in a multitude of drills that will strengthen the skills of critical thinking and quick actions.

It’s one thing to perform in a controlled environment when you know what’s coming, it’s another to prevail when you’re facing an opponent with a variety of unknowns… and then demonstrate the ability to articulate after the incident why you took those actions.


  • Use of Force Review
  • Intro to Force Science
  • “System 1” vs “System 2” philosophy
  • Testing theories
  • Cover vs Concealment
  • Isolation drillsSituational awareness
  • Dynamic live-fire drills with movement
  • Man on Man scenarios
  • Processing of a threat
  • Target discrimination – Shoot house
  • Working through real world scenarios vs opponents


DAY 1:

  • Range attire (wear a belt)
  • Holster and magazine pouch
  • Ear and eye protection
  • 150 round of ammunition
  • Water and lunch

DAY 2:

  • Dress in layers (this will help protect from the Simunition
  • Scarf or shemaug (to stuff in shirt and protect neck area)
  • Gloves (optional but recommended)
  • Water and lunch
  • All simunitions, sims guns and related sims gear will be provided by ITTS
  • DO NOT BRING ANY FIREARMS TO CLASS ON SUNDAY – Please make alternative plans for your CCW handgun as it will not be allowed at our offisite facility for safety reasons.

Class Details

Class Tuition:

From: $550.00


In order to attend this class you must have successfully completed Handgun 3 with our school.

LEO & Miltary may be exempt from this prerequisite. Contact us to discuss.

Day & Times:

This is a 2-day class:
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM  (At our Private Outdoor Range)

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM  (At an offsite location in Sunland – exact location will be provided the week of class via email)



12651 Little Tujunga Canyon Rd, Sylmar, CA 91342, Offsite – Sunland, CA


1) Select a student quantity

2) Choose a date

3) Enter number of rentals

4) Click “ADD BOOKING”

Enter a number between 0 and 5 to specify how many rentals you need for this booking


Check out some other classes we offer!​

You must be over 18 to preview our website

  • Please make sure to carefully enter the following information on the waiver:
  • DON’T enter your name in the field designated for minors (leave it as “n/a n/a”)
  • Training Start Date: The date of your lesson
  • Training End Date: The date of your lesson
    • Example: if your lesson is on 12/14/23 then put 12/14/23 for both the “Start” and “End” date
  • Make sure your Driver’s License number & email address are both correct (your driver’s license will be checked at the range)
  • Once the Angeles Range waiver is completed, you will receive a confirmation email with your unique QR code.

If you don’t receive the email with the QR code attachment immediately after submitting the online Range Waiver, then please run a search in all your email boxes, including your junk/spam folders, for an email from “waiver forever”  We promise it’s there somewhere in your email!  If you still can’t find it please contact our office immediately. 

Are you over 18 years old?