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Looking Back: SWAT Preparations for the 1984 Olympics

The accompanying photo is half of the LAPD SWAT team during the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. We were divided into two sections. As there were 60 operators there were 30 on one side and thirty on the other. These soon became SWAT 1 And SWAT 2. The rivalry started then and there it was good natured but a rivalry nonetheless. We had a T shirt made which depicted a group of SWAT team characters in action. Over the top of the picture was “For a Good Time Call – SWAT Two.” Don’t know what ever happened to my T shirt but it was tongue in cheek and fairly funny.

We had twenty four hour shifts and were housed at the LAPD Academy. They had these flimsy pre-fab structures and we simply put bunk beds in them. We were on constant standby so we worked out, shot, rehearsed and waited. We did this day after day. Someone donated some large, old fashioned vinyl record looking devices which played various movies. The selection was not all that great. On another note we were given a private screening of the British movie ‘The Final Option’ at MGM. Since this revealed some of our techniques at the time and counter negotiations it was held for release after the Olympics. It is a fictionalized account of the Princess Gate incident at the Iranian Embassy in London. You will see some fanciful shooting techniques according to the films version. For example a malfunction on a Browning 9mm Highpower pistol is cleared by completely dismantling the pistol. Funny indeed! You’ll also see some guys dangling on ropes below a helicopter as it plows into the embassy. Talk about timing. It’s entertaining if nothing else and we all got a kick out of it.

SWAT guys are fairly resourceful. We ended up with a number of diversions to occupy our time. Water polo in the Academy pool was beyond hilarious. That half of them did not drown is remarkable. We played it more like water rugby than anything else. We practiced on the ranges and came up with a number of drills some of which were practical and others which were not – they were simply competitions.

If you have ever slept with thirty guys inside a stifling pre-fab structure without air conditioning then you are missing out. It does not take much imagination to imagine the air quality. LA smog had nothing in comparison to this. We had a number of assets on the ground during that time. SEAL Team 6, U.S. Army Delta, FBI Hostage Rescue and LASO SEB were set to respond along with ‘D’ Platoon. Had you been a terrorist at that time and decided to take hostages it would not have gone well for you. We had some great air assets as well both police and military. It was easily the most prepared the city of LA had ever been within the context of major response mechanisms.

When we came across this photo I noticed that a number of our teammates have since passed away. Brett and I will be attending the SWAT retired reunion in September. I have never been to a retired only SWAT reunion. In fact, this may be the first one ever. It will be interesting to see how everyone is fairing. We will post a photo of the retired members and you can compare that photo with this photo. Think of it as…find SWAT Waldo. Should be interesting.

When I see photos from earlier days it reminds me that time stands still for no one. There is a lot of experience in that photo. It was a different time and a different era which will never be repeated. While technology goes forward it is always the individual behind that technology which ultimately makes the difference.


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