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ITTS Friends and Family Charity Event!

On April 26, 2015 we held a wonderful event to raise money for our incredibly hard working and brave LAPD SWAT officers. As most of you know, ITTS head instructor Scott Reitz is a former member of this elite unit which also referred to as “D-Team”, and the rest of the ITTS instructor cadre are current LAPD SWAT members.

ITTS Friends and Family Charity Shoot for LAPD SWAT 2015

This was our first event of this scale and we are so proud to announce that we raised even more money than projected and everyone had a wonderful time watching demos, shooting hollywood guns, winning the raffle and silent auction items, checking out firearms gear, eating tasty food and just hanging out with good people.

We had numerous vendor booths representing the some of the best companies in our industry and we would like to thank them again for being a part of this great day:

Tactical Pro Shop
Emerson Knives
Condor Outdoors
Dean Safe Co.
Krav Maga Worldwide
Heckler & Koch USA
Flashbang Gear
Robar Guns
Armored Mobility
Independent Studio Services (ISS)

We would also like to extend a very special thanks to some others who without their efforts we would not have been able to pull this event off:

Angeles Shooting Range
Hollywood Sound Systems
Elisabeth Stone Photography
Ryan Quan Video Productions
Vincent Giovannetti DJ
Pete Demetriou (KNX 1070 Radio)
LAPD Air Support
LAFD Air Ops
The Grilled Cheese Truck
Colossus Ice Cream Truck
Dog-town Dog Truck

There are countless others we must thank including all of our amazing ITTS volunteers and everyone who so generously donated time, money and raffle and silent auction items. The lost truly goes on and on and we are just so thankful to have built such a wonderful ITTS family which was on full display!

Don’t feel bad if you missed it because we have a feeling that this won’t be our last big event…

See all of the photos form the event here:


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  • Training Start Date: The date of your lesson
  • Training End Date: The date of your lesson
    • Example: if your lesson is on 12/14/23 then put 12/14/23 for both the “Start” and “End” date
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